We’re On Your Side

Right now you may be staring at your phone not sure if you should call or text Options. What would you say? How would you find the right words to ask for help? * Ruby felt all choked up inside when she called to make an appointment. Like you, she didn’t know where to start.

Top 10 Reasons for Calling Options

Who are you going to call when you think you might be pregnant? Here are the top 10 reasons why you should call Options for Women first.

Pathways to Integrated Care During Pregnancy

Options’ integrated care approach addresses you as a whole person to include early prenatal intervention as well as attention and care to all other areas of your life that will be affected by your unplanned pregnancy.

How Options Can Improve Your Vision

Options for Woman will help you see your pregnancy through the lens of empowerment instead of crisis so you can make a confident decision. We’ll help you to find clarity and peace about your decision with information about your body, your health, and your pregnancy, without pressure.

Coronavirus Update

How will the coronavirus affect Options pregnancy services? Here’s what you need to know.

Quarantine Pregnancy: Covid Stress and The Abortion Pill

Having an abortion is an extreme step and one that will impact your life long after the pandemic is over. If any of the quarantine pressures were removed, would you still end your pregnancy? Weigh the facts and your options.

What’s Your First Response to Your Unplanned Pregnancy?

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.3″] Your period is late. Your hands shake as you tear open the home pregnancy test and your heart pounds in your chest while you wait for the results. Two lines appear. To be sure, you take another test with the same results. Just as your stomach takes a flying leap into

Why Options is Your Go-To Place for Unplanned Pregnancy

Wow! I can’t believe the heartbeat sounds so strong! Hearing the first sounds of life during an ultrasound was a revelation to Stephanie, an Options client who was considering abortion. Before her Options ultrasound, Stephanie* thought she would have an abortion but when she left, she wasn’t so sure. Hearing her baby’s heartbeat and learning

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