Right now you may be staring at your phone not sure if you should call or text Options.

What would you say?

How would you find the right words to ask for help?

* Ruby felt all choked up inside when she called to make an appointment. Like you, she didn’t know where to start. But she didn’t feel that way for long.

Here’s what Ruby had to say after she came to Options:

Options was a safe place for me to be able to talk about anything I wanted to. Options was there for me when I had no one on my side. Thanks for the support, love, and listening ear you provided for me. It’s like God sent me a group of angels to guide me during my pregnancy.

Do you need someone on your side but don’t know how to ask?

All you need to say are three words.

Help. I’m pregnant.



Or send us an email: info@optionsnj.org

We’re Options for Women and we’re on your side.

*Privacy protected.

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