Sometimes it’s the little things that affect us in powerful ways.

You know, like a phone call from a friend that lifts your spirits, or a scalded tongue that sends you in a rage.

For our pregnant clients who are not sure if they want to be pregnant, feeling nauseous and sick can be one more thing to push them over the edge on a bad day. That’s why we always try to keep Preggie Pop Drops on hand to give to our clients if they come here with a bad case of morning sickness.

Only yesterday, we gave some to an undecided client who complained of feeling sick to her stomach all day long.

“I don’t know if I can deal with feeling like this with everything else going on in my life right now.”

Offering her the drops was one way we could meet her need in that particular moment. The fact that she accepted them, gratefully, is a good indicator that she is future oriented about her pregnancy.

Just a little thing like a soothing drop to a sore tummy can mean a lot to a pregnant woman who feels like no one cares.

Right now, our supply of Preggie Pop Drops is low. Can you help? If you care and want to help, Preggie Pop Drops are available locally at Buy Buy Baby, and through CVS online.

At Options, we know that God, not the devil is in every detail.

Even in a Preggie Pop Drop.

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