Last week a call came into Options. At first, It seemed like a typical exchange with news of a missed period and a request for a pregnancy test to verify if the caller was, in fact, actually pregnant. We scheduled an appointment for the following week, but still, we lingered on the phone talking to each other. There was something in her voice that wanted to connect. Flash forward to the appointment date and a message left on our voicemail: appointment canceled. A blood test revealed there was no pregnancy, and the message continued: “Thank you for existing, for being there to talk to me.”

Hearing that message caused us to pause and ask ourselves a question about the value of hearing a voice on the other end of the line whose only goal is to listen with compassion.  It’s hard to put a price on compassionate listening and free resourses. Would it mean something to you? Yes, there was a canceled appointment tinged with sorrow, but somehow, the caller understood, that at least for a small window of time, she was not alone. There was someone who cared, someone who took the time to listen to her story even though we had never met.

At Options, we never underestimate the power of connection whether it’s made over the phone, or in a text, or when we meet face to face (even when masked), gaze to gaze, and heart to heart. In a transactional world, the fact that a place like Options exists is a miracle. We don’t operate on a fee for service system. We give our services freely, and we customize support for each woman who calls, texts, emails, or schedules an appointment, from our first point of contact to our last.

So to the caller who thanked us “for existing,” and to all potential clients who contact us for services, please know that we are here for you, no matter what -if your pregnancy is planned or unplanned, anticipated or feared, wanted or unwanted. We will listen with compassion and connect you to help if that’s what you desire. With help, comes hope and with hope, anything is possible.

 At Options, we are motivated by the belief that we exist for each other. No woman should have to experience the challenges of an unplanned pregnancy alone.

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