Coronavirus Update

The coronavirus has hit our region and Options is committed to doing all we can to help flatten the curve in order to lessen the risks of infection. What does this mean for our potential clients? We are still booking appointments for our pregnancy clients with just a few necessary tweaks to our policy. Here they are:

  • For the next few weeks, all pregnancy appointments need to be scheduled by phone. We are suspending online bookings for the time being.
  • When you come to Options for your appointment, come alone or limit companions to just 1 person. If you bring more than 1 person with you, they may be asked to wait in the car.
  • Try to find a babysitter for your children. If you can’t, we will still accommodate you but it’s best if children stay at home for now.
  • Options STD services are suspended until the virus threat loosens up. Men and women age 29 and younger who call will be directed to Camden County, Gloucester County and Philadelphia STD testing sites which will remain open during this current health crisis.
  • No walk-ins , (visitors, volunteers, donations) until further notice. Call us first!
  • Anyone who needs to talk to someone about pregnancy concerns can always contact us on our website (if our center is closed) and someone will get back to you right away. There is a contact form on our website that we check daily.
  • You can always leave a voice message too. 856-795-0048

Options pregnancy services will remain open for our clients who need us. We know that life happens no matter what and we will be here for you. Check our website to keep updated on any further changes.

Thank You!

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