Considering Choosing Adoption?

“I could never carry a baby and then give her/him up for adoption…” Have you ever felt this way about adoption? Modern adoption has changed. You’re in control. You can choose the best plan for you and your baby.

Come in and meet with someone who can help guide you through the wide variety of choices that are open to you. Here’s what some moms have to say about their adoption choices:

“As a birthparent, I know that placing a child for adoption – a child that you cannot take care of properly – is the most unselfish thing that any birthmother can do for her child.”

“The love I had for my baby gave me the courage I needed to make a hard choice, but it is a choice I’ve never regretted. My daughter is alive because of me and she is growing up in a loving family. I put my baby’s needs first over my own needs and I know it was the hardest and the best thing I could have done for her.”

“It wasn’t because I didn’t love my baby that I chose adoption. It was because I did.”

An Adoption Plan That Works for You

There are three types of adoption plans: open, closed, and semi-open adoption. Each one varies in the access you have to the adoptive family and your child based on your unique circumstances.

Open adoption is the most common type as it gives mothers the chance to keep an open relationship with their child as well as with the adoptive family.

No-Cost Options Counseling

Adoption can be a difficult decision for mothers, as it’s not an easy road. Our navigators provide the support you need when grappling with the right choice for your baby by clearly laying out the options available to you and connecting you with the appropriate agencies.

No matter what you decide, we are advocates for you. We’ll help to make sure your child has the opportunity for a safe and happy future.

Talk to us today to talk through adoption and your other pregnancy options with no pressure or judgment.

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