Why Would A Woman Considering Abortion Come to Options?

Good question.

Why would any woman who wants to end a pregnancy come to Options when she could just as easily go to an abortion clinic?

The answer lies in one word within the question itself. Maybe you missed it. The word is “considering.” 

When a woman is considering having an abortion or not- there is play between the thought and the action. I don’t use the word “play” lightly. It just means that she isn’t 100 percent sure that abortion is right for her. 

Going straight to the abortion clinic is almost a done deal. Once a woman is on the table, she rarely gets up, unless she physically resists or has an eruption of emotion that causes a scene. While no abortion provider can force a woman to have an abortion, it’s not the ideal time or place to consider a pregnancy choice. 

But Options is.

Why? Because we care about you. 

We have nothing to sell. All of our services are free.

We don’t benefit financially if a woman chooses abortion, nor do we profit on her decision to carry, parent or choose an adoption plan. Our desire is to give a woman a safe, quiet space where she can “consider” her choice in peace. We understand that she is in liminal space and may be between a rock and a hard place. We know that the clock is ticking and a decision needs to be made sooner rather than later. But how?

When every choice seems to be a dead end, how can anyone decide?

While Options has no easy answer to this question, we understand and respect the difficulty of each choice. We are focused on the comfort of our clients and set aside enough time for each one to do all the thinking, asking, information gathering, wrestling, weighing, even crying if necessary, that she needs to do.

Our nurse and medical staff, including our seasoned ultrasonographer and doctor, who oversees our Tuesday STD screening and treatment clinic, are available to each client as her needs are indicated. For instance, not everyone realizes that having an STD during an abortion can leave a woman exposed to serious infection. Options will screen for and treat Gonorrhea and Chlamydia at no cost in order to limit unnecessary risks for our clients. 

If you’re not on the fast track to the abortion clinic and find yourself in the considering stage, please consider coming to Options for the customized care you need at this time:

  • Private consultation with a registered nurse
  • Accurate answers to your medical questions
  • A free first trimester ultrasound to date the stage of your pregnancy (or to confirm that your pregnancy is even viable)
  • Connections to real and practical help
  • Review of all your pregnancy options
  • Free STD screening and treatment and much more…

Even with our extensive list of support services there are none that can compare with our core practice of compassionate listening. Now more than ever, this is your time to be heard. It’s a fact that Options has met with hundreds if not thousands of women throughout its 35 year history, including some who have chosen abortion. 

“If I only had someone to talk to before I decided,” is the one regretful statement we’ve heard the most. “I wish I had come here first.”

At the very least, Options offers women an opportunity to be heard so they can choose from a place of confidence and not compulsion. Keeping conflicting feelings blocked from your heart is a source of suffering because it cuts you off from reality. Being heard now before you decide in the presence of people who care, who will never judge, but who will accept you and give you all the time you need to say what needs to be said- before doing anything, is a priceless gift. 

There’s no crowded waiting room and insurance forms to fill out. No one will bang down the door to say , “Hurry – your time is up.” 

On the contrary, Options serves as a holding pattern where you are held in love until you know you are ready for your next step. We know that for every woman who is determined to have an abortion, there are more who are undecided, and who would benefit from having “a safe place to make a sound decision.”  

That’s why if you are considering abortion, Options is the perfect place for you to do your considering. 

Find out what countless others have experienced when coming to Options; all things considered, you won’t regret it.

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