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You know that moment.

When you find out you are pregnant and you don’t want to be. Your first impulse is to google abortion and to make an appointment at a clinic that pops up on your cell phone or tablet.


But then doubt sets in. This isn’t me, you think. I would never do this. How can I have an abortion?

You spend your days in a daze, suffering alone with your decision.

Baby’s dad, if you told him, either lobbies for abortion or says he is cool with whatever choice you make, because it’s on you. And that’s the part that gets you it’s all on you.

Next you go into seclusion, protecting yourself from others and hiding from your true feelings because it seems the safest thing to do. But did you know that according to Psychology Today agonizing alone over a problem only prolongs suffering and intensifies negative thoughts? Hiding from yourself now will only cause you more misery later.

Don’t isolate yourself from others who can help you. Find the courage to talk to someone you can trust.

Now is the time to get in touch with you. Speaking up for yourself in the presence of another person by telling your own personal story can help.

Instead of going into robo mode, ask yourself what matters to you. Share your story with someone who will listen carefully without interruption, who will look into your eyes and will try to understand so you can clarify your feelings. Reaching out for help is the very best thing you can do when you feel upset, overwhelmed or depressed.

Too many women suffer alone because of the stigma associated with a pregnancy decision. It’s remarkable to consider that even in the 21st century, women still feel they have to hide their true feelings from themselves and others, including the reasons why they want an abortion.

Talking about your reasons frees you from the burden of carrying their weight all by yourself. Sharing the challenges about your pregnancy lessens anxiety and fear.

Being heard is so close to being loved that to the average person they are almost indistinguishable. David Augsburger

Break the cycle of loneliness and self doubt. Come out of hiding and ask yourself the questions you’ve been avoiding with someone who will listen to you and not speak over you or tell you what to do.

Whether before or after an abortion decision, try to assess:

What do you need?

What do you want?

What are you feeling?

What would help?


Know what is going on inside you. Find your voice and you will find your power.

Yes, it’s on you.

And you have a right to be heard.

What a relief it is to know, that at Options, we will hear you out.

No matter what you decide.


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