Throughout the years, Options has witnessed and experienced what it means to be pro-life in its many varied expressions. Yesterday was a day we will never forget for showing us the deepest meaning of being pro-life. We were invited to a celebration by the Brownell family who adopted two siblings, a girl and a boy, both toddlers, under heartbreaking circumstances. The event was joyous and it was hard not to shed some tears in the face of such profound love and cuteness. 

Addie Brownell is a long-time volunteer with Options. For many years, Addie assembled our layette baskets despite her busy schedule as a working mom with four children. Now, can you believe, Addie is a Mom to six? Addie and her husband Stephen invited our Options staff to share in their celebration of joy on the day the adoption became official. In lieu of gifts, they asked for baby items and/or donations to benefit Options’ Ministry.

As I said, there are many ways of being pro-life. All of them are valued and useable by God. Addie, Stephen, and their family have shown us one of the most profound ways of being pro-life by welcoming two children, whose birth parents were unable to care for them, into their family with open arms and hearts. Out of love, the Brownells met a need that was placed on their path and never looked back.

Not everyone is called to adoption, but in the spirit of responding in love, the Brownells are a great example. It takes a lot of love, faith and courage to meet the needs and challenges presented to us by God in our own lives. We pray that Options staff, volunteers and supporters will be able to protect and honor the precious lives of women, babies and families whom we are called to serve for many years to come. We join with you in collective prayer for more adoptions and fewer abortions. We are thankful for people like Addie and Stephen who inspire us to be pro-life in ever-deepening ways, however, God calls us with great love, perseverance, and good will.

Let us all do our part, however small or grand, to preserve and champion life, and be grateful for each breath we take every minute of every day.

I leave you with a quote, Addie shared with us regarding her adoption journey: 

”A child born to another woman calls me mommy. The magnitude of that tragedy and depth of that privilege are not lost on me.”

Blessings to all the Brownells and Congratulations!  Harper and Benjamin are lucky kids indeed!

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